Wednesday, February 27, 2013

You owe me buddy

Here is a photo of a mini skate board that accidentally slipped outta Wy's fingers before he made it to the potty. He was all sorts of majorly devastated. I couldn't handle his sadness so I stuck my hands in the toilet to rescue it.

Regardless being a freak about the bathroom and toilet's sanitariness or shall i say 'unsanitairness' in general - I did it. For you buddy. You friggin owe me. :)

It's currently soaking in a bleach bath until I make up my mind whether that will be enough for me to let him touch it again.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Lowered Expectations

When asking Wyatt what he wants to be when he grows up, his answer was a firefighter AND police officer.

Emmersyn's response was slightly different.

'I wanna watch TV when I grow-d up'.

Houston, we may have a problem.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

A 'gentle' reminder

What does a mom and dad get for watching a movie in the next room?

A reminder that little yahooligans cannot be trusted!

Water up to the brim- all dental hygiene stuff ruined, wet toilet paper, and soaked children.

And now we know-apparently nano bugs and track still work though fully submerged.

I thought they were being too quiet.


Friday, February 22, 2013

Ripped pants

Remember this post about me ripping my pants?

Well, I happened to think I was the luckiest girl ever when I came home to dishes washed and laundry done the other day.

I put the ripped pants aside to patch or re-purpose in some way since I hate just throwing clothes away.  Adam didn't know this tidbit - ((or I secretly think he did and is playing a major prank on me.))  He's at work and hasn't answered my texts which is making him look extra guitly.

Either way, the pants made their way back into the circulation AAAAND I wore them to work today...again...unbeknownst to me...until 10:30 am.

Needless to say, I set my thriftiness aside and they hit the can tonight as soon as I got home to avoid anymore incidents.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Ya I schooled me some boys tonight at some bball. Had a game with adam, two of his work buddies and one of their kids. One of them mighta been 9 or 7 or something but I rocked it. Played a few dirty tricks and had fun! Even had a supper date with my hubs - ate 5x as many calories as I burned. It's all good!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

A conversation

Em: I want to catch bugs in a net.

Wy: But there are no bugs out right now, it's winter.

Me: Ya the bugs are hibernating. (Is this true? That was my guess).

Em: Dat mean seeping (sleeping).

Me: ?! Omg how'd you know that?! You're so smart!!

Wy: Ya she's like an an Emme sized suit.

One of the funniest Wyatt-isms to date.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Goodbye Nora

Nora - 'aka' Adam's motorcycle has a new owner!

While I'm doing the happy dance of being free from the monthly payment, my heart hurts a lot for my hubby.

He LOVED Nora a lot so I know he's pretty crestfallen.

Thank you Nora or some fun times:
I got to cross riding you with hubby off my bucket list.
If Adam was crabby - I'd tell him to go for a ride because it always put him in a better mood.
I only got up to 45 mph riding passenger because I was terrified of you.
I admit I was jealous of you, for the twinkle hubby got in his eye when he looked at you.
Nora, you also made Adam look like officially bad a$$!

You were a good time and I'm thankful for the memories! We enjoyed the ride.

Looking forward, moving on, and changing priorities is the name of the game right now.

Although our garage is emptier tonight my heart is so full because of this loving sacrifice that made for the betterment of our family. You may have forfeited something you have a passion for but it won't be forever. You'll ride on again (in 3-5 years) per our 'deal'. You'll get your iron horse back when the kids and I have a real horse.

You're one heck of a guy Mr. Brown, A very selfless act that had a big impact on my heart!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My kids - embarrassing moments again

Yesterday I took the kids to the store after school to pick up a few things. There's a really nice bagger that works there, she's a woman. However Wyatt thinks she's a man. She has a super deep raspy man like voice and short hair. Nicest lady, honestly. Imagine my embarrassment when she was helping us to the car and Wyatt says -'why is ::he:: following us to our car'!

Then today after school Wyatt ran up to Miss Jess (his teacher last year, Emmersyns this year) and gave her a big hug! So sweet! Miss Jess asked Emmers for a hug, in which she put her head in my pants and said 'I no give her hug, she need to change her hair.' I'd noticed that she had some cute highlights put in, however evidentially miss hair police isn't fond of them. Looks like Emmersyn is the gal to consult of you're in need of a new do...remember her comment about poor pastors hair!? :/.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


We had a fantastic day Saturday!

I took our friends, the Hankins, baby's 9 month photos and as a thank you they ::sneakily:: paid for our supper! Then the kids hung out at Nanas while daddy and I snuck out to a movie with the McDermotts! It was such a fun day!

First eva trip to Chuck E Cheese

These kids had a blast! A few pics from our trip!

My son evidentially didn't inherit my fear of birds...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hair cut!

I hate talking pics of myself - I always look super awkward but I'm so proud; I gave myself a haircut!!

I get so sick of paying $ for this type of thing and Adam cuts his as well as we cut the kids so I thought I'd give it a whirl!

Trusty YouTube helped me out and I'm super pleased with the results! Ill definitely be doing this from now on for basic trims!