Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

We had an awesome Halloween! The kids did so great and were totally polite. We went to the big town and trick or treated with Adams family and celebrated our nieces birthday, 'haleyween'. I could tell it was time to call it a night when all the kids were on huge sugar rushes, in the midst I was trying to ::drag:: Wyatt towards the door to go home and I told him I was gonna throw his candy in the -fridge- if he didn't come ON! Didn't have the affect on him I was going for!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Super heros strike again!

We went to a local trail of treats tonight! My super heroes were cold but had fun! Then they turned into vampires!! Ps Wyatt would've had more fun if the ginormous frankenstein wasn't there - freaked him out a little!

Some more fallness

We've been having a fun time lately doing fallish activities! Raking leaves, pumpkin carving contests (my spider won per our family poll), attending a Halloween party where cousin Maddie joined and all 3 won a $2 bill and tons of candy, a visit from a kitten - I was unsuccessfully persuaded to adopt it, games, dress up, a visit from BFF and future godson to do fall family photos, and much more have been what's been keeping us busy...ya know, and then there's work and normal day to day stuff! Here's a few pics from my phone!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Throwback photos

It's homecoming and dance season. I thought it would be fun to share a few of Adam and my dance photos. There's a couple I'm missing, (we attended a lot of dances in 4 years! Oh what I wouldn't give to play dress up again and relive those nights!

My Glory Days

Girl cousins

Jenn, my cousin, suggested we take a pic of just the gals! I love it! I'll have more photos from the day soon, we had a fish fry yesterday at my grandparents! It was a lot of fun!

The apple didn't fall far from the tree

Wyatt loves to not only be in photos but to take them too. He insisted on a photoshoot the other day in which he directed entirely. Wonder where he gets this from?! My favorite is when he told us to hold our hands up and pretend it was lava coming at us and to look scared! He's a hoot!

Thanks for the great pics buddy!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Bedtime wars

So my kids will not sleep in their beds and truth be told I kind of want them on our room right now. There has been a couple local break in attempts in our sleepy town lately and it has me on edge. sleeping 4 deep is breaking my bones so i came up with a solution - the kids have a mattress set up in our (tiny) room.

Adam is not helping the situation. He likes to cuddle baby girl. He told me last night, Emmersyn is in bed sleeping - she just wants you to tell her good night but no hugs or kisses. As I walked in there was lump I'm her spot. I said 'goodnight Emmersyn.' upon which she says from under the blankets in OUR bed 'gooodnight' mom!!

So ::one:: of us is teaching our kids how to fake out sleeping in their beds. Wonder what this will mean in their teenage years when they sneak out and pull that number - I'll know where to accredit that one to!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Cat two months ago was booming bigger than ever! The global market however is not. Both Adam and my jobs are in related industries supplying to Cat, over time was unlimited, and sometimes I felt like I was drowning in paperwork. Cat has changed their projections substantially, therefore this slow down is effecting our companies. I work in accounting and have been quickly catching up on work and assisting others. I knew my hours would be reduced eventually. At our monthly company lunch yesterday it was announced that rather than layoffs we were all working shorter days for a couple months. The good news is that it's just until the New Year hopefully. We figured we'd compensate with Adam working some over time, until they announced they were cutting that off. We are lucky to be maintaining Full Time, yet it's still going to be a struggle.

This is no new feat as we've been through an 11 month layoff before. We made a lot of necessary cuts then. Cable - home phone - switching cell phones - refinancing - etc. We mostly maintained our sacrifices but we definitely got comfortable having spending money, sent the kids to preschool, Adam got a motorcycle.

So we are brainstorming some ways to make this as seemless as possible, the first being trying to sell the bike and Adams old truck eventually.

When it rains it pours though my friends, truck windows won't roll down, and expenses are around every corner.

It's been a tough year so I'm taking this opportunity to reduce not just my hours but stress. To soak in every extra moment I've been granted with the kids. To use this opportunity to humble ourselves to our needs vs our wants. I'm thankful for going through the lay off that I know we can do it again, that it's not as severe and that we can get through this with out being bailed out.

Tides are changing for the better and have been for a month or so even amongst this hardship. In the past ive wondered, why this is happening or why can't we catch a break?! But this time around I'm not waiting to see the silver lining. I already see it.

I have a memory like an elephant, it's one of my worst faults. My first reaction is to always relate scenarios, reactions, or circumstances to a previous experience. This time though - we got this!! I've learned so much through these tests, more in the last 5 years than my first 23! I know what I want for my family and it's always worth fighting for. I know we can make it through and each time we become stronger. Thankfully we have a fantastic support group of family and friends. We've weeded though the insincere, those that didn't have our families best interest at heart and were amongst the best people I know.

This is not a poor me stream of consciousness - its a thanks for the reminder of the life we should be living to the Man upstairs. It's a reminder of where we've been, how far we've come and been so close to loosing so much, yet instead pulling it together for our kids and our bright future ahead! I have a feeling wonderful things are on the horizon and even though patience wasn't my strong suit, I've developed a calmness in letting it be.

Thanks for listening...I needed to get that off my chest! :)

Blog to print

Ok blog friends - any suggestions on a reasonable site that turns your blog into a book? I think this is what I'm going to ask for for Christmas so my family will have the memories in print. After all - this is blog is kind of like our story!

I want to do each year separate. For 2008-2009 which were light years was $78 alone!

Anyone had good/bad experiences with a company?

Thanks! :)

Mama I'm stuck!!

Another addition in hold on while I get my camera.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

New coat!

Emmersyn isn't as much in love with the camera as her big bro so I never feel like I have as many photos of her! Nana brought over a new coat for her today and here she is sporting it! Adorable!


Rounding out the birthdays for the year is my super awesome niece Haley! This is her last year as a 'kid' - next year is her milestone - 13th birthday!

We'll celebrate her birthday on this Halloween for our annual 'Haleyween' party! I'll definitely have pictures to post!

Happy Birthday love! We adore you!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Falls in full swing

A few phone pics as of late.
We've been enjoying fall and the cooler weather, kinda ... Except when I have to wear a coat and hat inside because I freeze to death.

Camp outs in the front room, lots of cuddling and snuggling eating popcorn, photoshoots, football and football snacks, and hot cocoa!

I'll love fall y'all!


Wyatt adores his stuffed dogs so today while at my moms we dug out some of my old Ty beanie babies. Emmersyn took a late nap and wyatt insisted upon a photoshoot with his newest additions.

He renamed them all a million different goofy names like taco, oven mit, rescue dog, lazy, comet, space dog, and more.

It was a lot of fun and clearly he couldn't get any cuter!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Cross one off

I started jotting down a bucket list a long time ago. On that list was to bring my kids to play at the park that I spent so much time on as a kid. There's this huge rocket that I knew they'd love.

Today we had a visitation in my hometown and it was the perfect fall day so we took advantage of it and crossed off that line on the bucket list!

It may seem little or silly but it's important for me to have my kids know of the town and that part of my history, because part of me will always consider that home!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Oh no Josh is 3-0!!

The last milestone birthday of the year!

Happy 30th Birthday Joshie!!

This guy was our best man, is our kids favorite uncle, the brother I've never had, and Adam's childhood partner in crime.

I've known Josh for a long time now and he has shared in our biggest moments. He stood up for Adam in our wedding, was present at the hospital when both our kids were born, and within in a month of our moving became a neighbor down the street in our small town.

We have been on road trips to vacations, he has been a coworker of both Adam and I at different times, and we've had some of the wildest and craziest times I've ever experienced together!

You were a best friend in my teenage years that turned into family. We love raising our kids with your daughter, whom you are such a wonderful, attentive daddy to.

Thanks for the memories, and for always being there for your brother and I in good times and bad!

We might not be party animals anymore and prefer to snack and lounge around watching football, but regardless what we are partaking in its always a pleasure!

You are a great person an I hope your birthday is equally good great!

We love you!
Adam, Amber, Wyatt, & Emmersyn

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Full fun Saturday!

We were up and out first thing this morning so Adam could help a buddy roof.

While he did that I had a photoshoot and we spent the day with Nana.

I decided to let the kids burn off some energy and since it was chilly outside we headed to McDonalds play place in the big city - which is a big step up from our local McyD's! Well this was no child's play for Miss Em. While Wyatt was busy making his rounds and new friends, Emmersyn decided to get up high an get stuck. She's always the brave one but not today. I had to rescue her not once but TWICE. When cohersing her to go down the slide while nearly being trampled by kids didn't work I had to resort to rescue mode. This included my climbing through miniaturized staggering stairs. To a child who couldn't reach and had to use her face as leverage to climb in the first place this was a daunting task, while it was equally daunting for me to snake my way through the much to small confines...did I mention, twice? Oh ya I did. Once I pried her white knuckle grip from the rope wall, the mission was complete.

We headed back to Naners & competed in a few fun matches of Sorry and UNO, which Wy was the big winner!

Mr Brown and I later got to meet best friends Tony & Laura out for a double date - kidless - a rare treat! Chilis was delish and Laura gave me a sweet gift for doing their family photos! An adorable 31 camera strap, courtesy of her business! A perfect thank you for a photog friend indeed!

And why I didn't get more photos from the day?! I have no idea - erg, how annoying! But it literally couldn't have been a more fun day! And with two sleeping babes, a tired and sore hubby, I am signing off for the night!

Happy Saturday!