Saturday, November 24, 2012


I didn't do the thankful facebook posts everyday like some but my thankfulness is overflowing nonetheless.

Firstly I am thankful for my faith. Because of God I have everything to be thankful for! We may not be super actively involved in a church but to me faith is much deeper. Prayer is amazing and I thank God for all I have.

I am thankful for a loving man whom has grown into the most perfect husband - with some training ;). But seriously. I've never been happier. We've been through some tuff stuff but it has lead us to this point in our lives and I'm thankful for a peaceful and fun marriage!

I am thankful for my children. They are the light of my entire life. I get short, annoyed, and fall short of being the mom they deserve I feel like sometimes. But, every decision I make I do it to benefit them. They make me laugh every single day. I loving doing things I wouldn't normally feel like doing like cleaning and cooking (bc I'm not super domesticated lol) all because I want to give them a clean, safe, and nurturing environment.

I thankful for our family, immediate and extended and close friends. We keep them close and they are supportive, helpful, loving, and totally hilarious!

I am thankful for our home. I was at a point where I couldn't wait to get outta here but at this point we are in no hurry. It's our safe haven, warm, and comfortable.

I'm thankful for great employment that brings with it wonderful coworkers and good salaries to support our family.

I'm thankful for our cars to get us to where we need to go.

I'm thankful for a a great preschool which both kids attend to feed their minds!

I could literally go on and on but lastly I thankful for the health of my loved ones. We are extremely lucky that our problems and troubles are so trivial.

We have been fortunate beyond belief!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I really couldn't make this up.

Last tales for the day I hope! Blogging is coming in multitudes lately with my scatterbrained adventures, two wild children, and a super ornery husband.
I definitely couldn't make this up.

So Saturday while showering Adam decides that that is the perfect time to shave, duh. No pressure and cold water had me asking him to do that later ::or yelling, I don't know:: ;).

Anywho. I hear him leave the bathroom. Next thing I know I am being doused with a big ol glass of ice water! The kids thought it was HILARIOUS so next thing I know they are throwing cups, paint brushes and anything the could get their grubby hands on in the shower! Revenge will be mine you 3! Watch out!!!

Oh and did I mention I have wild kids?

They may not be perfect and completely out of control to outsiders at times...that's kids! While shopping at the store last night they were actin up - because it's way exciting to not be captured in the cart! I definitely got all mama bear on a lady whom spoke out at Wyatt as he accidentally cut her off. It was rude of my 5 year old, yes but he's 5- he didn't do it on purpose! After her uncalled for comment I may have let a profanity go in her direction. Oops! :p ps Adam was so proud haha). They may be crazy but they are MY crazy and I love them. I don't handle it well when people don't respect children because they are people too!

You hear stories about people yelling at and even slapping other people kids (in extreme newsworthy stories) in stores and I just wonder what makes them think they have the right? Have they never had kids? We're they mean parents that think children should been seen not heard?

I personally think its funny when kids act up! Not when it's my kid of course, ha, then its stressful! But it's that secret code between parents, you know what I'm talking about. That distinctive look most people caringly give you like 'I've been there, I feel your pain'. Haha! However clearly not all feel that way and in which case they just need to lighten UP!

Okay okay I'm getting off my soap box now!

And ... As I'm blogging this I'm letting Emmersyn play beauty parlor with my hair. Evidentially she needed 'detangler' as she just spit in my hair, twice. Nice.


Wyatt made this cute little turkey today and the glue was still a little wet. I thought it was so cute Id take a pic! I peeled the wrapper to give it to him and stole a quick lick.

Welp, the glue seeped through.

Yes - I just ate glue....

That's what I get for snagging my child's candy I suppose! I guess it's better me than him, it's not toxic either after all.

Really though?! When do these 'mishaps' stop? I feel like we've had our fair share lately, doesn't it seem?

I guess it's all good as no one gets hurt - but really?! LOL

Little Indians!

Emmersyn is fluttering butterfly and Wyatt running river! The kids had a great time at their thanksgiving feast at school!

Speaking of school - I just picked up a shoeless kid. Alyssa my sister takes wyatt to school for me one day a week. She picked him up at the sitters and got to school only to realize he stepped in dog poop! It was the messy kind! So she currently has a pair of smelly shoes in her itty bitty car instead of dragging it in school! Sorry Aunt Sissa, thanks for taking one for the team!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Quiet reading time.

...two seconds later they were fighting tooth and nail over that Blues Clues book - which i might mention - neither of them has ever previously cared for....but it was sweet while it lasted!

3 more geocaches!

Tonight we had to run errands in the next town over so we took advantage of the warm weather again! It started raining on us at the end but that was a part of the fun! We found 3 out of 3 - actually Adam found all 3! It neat how clever people can get hiding these things! I'm so excited we learned about this! It's a great way to see sights we've never seen and spend quality time as a family!

Another chapter in how having kids changes you.

I wish I had her charm because she knows how to get the men in her life to do whatever she wants! Here's the best daddy ever painting her nails today! Never thought id see the day - ok actually i did, hes just that kinda dad! I'm glad I got home in time to catch the moment! EmmeLu you are one lucky gal!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

This weekend is what I needed!

I'm all charged up and ready for the short week ahead! We have been super busy but doing normal fun stuff!!

We got up early Saturday and hit Walmart and ate some pizza! Cleaned up around the house and outside, and Adam is mr fix it thank gosh and figured out how to fix the power locks on the window in our truck (saving us at least a hundred $$)! We played some games and had some good meals! We've also been listening to lots of Xmas music and doing Christmas crafts!

Today - we went geocaching in the nice weather!! We went to town and saw adams family for a birthday party! Now we are going to hunker down the rest of the night playing Mario and eating our freshly delivered boy scout popcorn! Yay!

I'm thankful this weekend ended up being everything I needed it to be!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


How does one know when one has too much on their plate!?

Oh they forget their child's family turkey project for school (enter mom tears - even though she was none the wiser), remembers to pay children's tuition for school (3 days late), oh but wait for it....

Have the police show up at your house to tell your husband that you forgot to pay for your gas last night. In my defense (kinda) I swiped my card and ran in to buy something - I had Adam stop the pump at $30 - hopped in the car and went, sans receipt proving purchase went through. Oops!

Ya it happened - all in one day to this mama!

Our schedules are a Lil different lately and to say it has me a little off kilter would be mostly accurate.

So - this weekend = a little r&r for our family to recharge the brain cells!

File this under Ambers and idiot!

Best friend ever

This is how i found my babies sitting together the other day. My greatest wish is that these two remain best friends throughout their lives!

They are 656 days and 3 seconds apart in age. And practically every second since Emmersyns birth they have been inseparable (besides going preschool).

He's the only little boy she loves (though she may not like him - because remember she doesn't like boys). & he's her biggest protector - She's his favorite girl. He understands her better than anyone - almost telepathically I swear.

They will be one grade apart in school which gives me great comfort that they will be there for one another!

I know they'll fight (because they've done that for years already!). But I hope that they know the importance of family and their unbreakable bond. A built in friendship, a partner in crime, and someone always in their corner.

I love them more than anything and it melts my heart that they love each other equally as much!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wrapped around her finger.

To say she has papa wrapped around her finger is the understatement of 2012.

Yes, he is feeding her baby doll! <3

Sunday, November 11, 2012

How did you find your little one this morning??

I for one found mine in the living room, hiding under all the pillows on the couch.

She had her hand clear in a peanut butter jar and had it all over her face, hair, and hands.

I would've gotten a picture except she was getting it all over the furniture and it's stained enough as it is ::from similar antics:: so I stuck her in the bath and had a good laugh!!

P to the S - this is not the first time. Its a regular thing to see her trying to get the pb out. Just recently though she started sneaking it! Adams found her huddled behind the train table in their room, peanut butter jar in hand.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Just cuteness

Doesn't take much to excited me

We've cleaned out our car umpteen times over the last year, got to with kids! Our car eats things regularly, its like an abyss - once it goes in it may never be found again!

Today I found several chicken nuggets, socks and shoes, and many assorted items. The major jackpot? Adams not ONE but TWO pairs of glasses that have been MIA for months!!! I'm so ridiculously excited! Doesn't take much obviously!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Her sense of humor...

Emmersyn has quite the sense of humor the older she gets. Today I dropped her off at prek. As I took off her coat she got shocked! She promptly ran up to her teacher and told her I bit her!!!!

Everyone got quite the laugh! She totally knew what she was saying! I don't know if I'm going to be able to be 'that' parent that embarrasses her children like I hope to be - she might beat me to the punch!


Monday, November 5, 2012

Oh yes we did..

Tree out on November 5th!

We can't wait for Xmas so without further ado - tis the season in the Brown household!