Sunday, July 29, 2012

A sleep over in the country

Mungas and Grandpas house is always so fun. Adam and I had a night out and the kids (and Jesse) got to stay with their grandparents. They were busy bees and had so much fun! they even came home and slept 3 hours this afternoon, a rarity! My mom kept me posted via phone pics and texts!

This is what they did in Texts from grandma:
We ran under the garden sprinkler, played at the playground, pulled bugs from the pool, had dinner (sort of :-) and went for a mile and a balf adventure where we picked long grass, ran in the ditches, tossed rocks beside the green green bull frogs. We climbed up then slid down the pea gravel pile, saw the brightest moon ever,, heard geese. We walked thru dinosaur tracks...well that is what Grandpa called them, but we know they were tractor tracks. Now we are bathing in the pink pool while Grandpa makes us a more appropriate dinner (bad bad Graymuga!)

I'll say a few memories were made :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Aww - how cute are the 4 littlest kids of the family - like little Bffs. Nah, Maddie actually had fruit snacks and Cheetos and my two in particular are not above a little schmoozing for some snacks! They effectively 'shared' with one another - aka snagged the loot and gave Maddie enough to keep her content err ... quiet :: so we wouldn't notice!

I'm just playin' ~kinda~ although this might not be too far from the truth - on the real, these kids are crazy for one another and I couldn't be happier they're so close!


We've been in a severe drought in our area. Our grass is dead, the corn is dormant and there's been reports of people's foundations on their homes cracking from the shrinking dry ground. Our lawn mower hasn't seen any action since May! Needless to say we need rain {a break from the hottest summer in 100's of years would be fantastic too / on a side note our electric bill was over $250 for our small house which is the highest ever}. Anyway - 1:30 am I was awoke by thunder, crazy close lightning, and RAIN! Adam and I were in a delirium of excitement / opening the door, watching from the awning! And a beauteous morning followed - I think mother nature was a little at peace!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tball wrap up

Wyatt had his last tball game on Saturday {thank gosh}. Truth be told tball was mega boring for the Wyguy. Not near enough action for his fast paced little mind! It was still a bunch of fun for us and he got to see his friends! It made my heart proud watching him! And the trophy he received at the end may be worth the painstaking weeks prior to make him want to go out again next year! :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Potty trained!!!

This cute lil gal finally succumbed to using the potty despite her love for diapers! I couldn't be happier and more proud!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Maximus

Maximus Liam
8 lbs 10 oz
21 1/2 inches
3:23 pm

I was lucky enough to be waiting in the hospital and got to meet my 'nephew'. He's wonderfully huggable, kissable, and has the sweetest cry and pouty face!

Mom is fantastic too!

I loved him already before he was born and it was an honor to meet him ... and he's perfect!!!!

Congrats and love you Adam and Christin and Max - I can tell this little man is going to do great things in this world!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Vaca recap

Camping = fantastic - tons of quality uninterrupted time, very few electronics, no tv.

Camping in July = not fantastic. Note to my family - if I even THINK about mentioning it punch my face.

Indiana beaches on a not 1,000 degree day = fantastic, beautiful. Sans huge waves you could trick yourself into thinking you're in Florida - we even found seashells! But it has a beauty of its own with the dunes and trees. (remember West Beach) favorite!!

And the drive - you can't beat it!!

Plan of attack for the future knowing what we know now - because we decided we will be making this a trip once or twice a year includes:
A) hotel for one to two nights, beach everyday (Hampton looked nice - skip the Dollar Motel {sketchy even for $34/night})
B) day trip
C) camping?!? Questionable because it's so unpredictable, although the jellystone was great. I think we'll stick to our local campgrounds just in case
D) a week in a beach house with a group

And to bring covering for the beach like and easy up, half tent, or umbrella.

We declared this the best vaca under our belt yet. No regrets, a few moments of at each others throats! But no harm done! Thanks to my fam and the whole group - tons of great memories made! Love y'all and miss yas already!

Vaca day 5

Set the scene, not showered, hot and bothered, tired, and heat exhausted - we were sitting around waking up and chatting in the morning we were trying to decide what to do that day to get out of the heat - movies? More walking around Walmart?

We lightly threw out there...well we are gonna just be spending money to stay cool and not doing anything but packing and leaving tomorrow ....sooo....

Unfolds the master plan that materialized in minutes. Pack up, obtain lots of fireworks, hit the beach, and go HOME and celebrate the 4th at our house! And just like that in a whirl wind Adam and I worked together like never before and we were packed and ready in 30 minutes! We all came alive! LOL!

They way we looked at it was we ain't gotta be no hero. We had a blast, and we're away for a few days, but we might as well end on a good note! Which we did, the beach was so packed and the sand burned the first layer of our skin off but it was glorious on a hot day, we hit white castle (bonus) on our quick and easy drive home, had pork chop sammys, some good sides, tons of illegal fireworks, s'mores, ice cream, air at our fingertips, a sink for dishes, a toilet within steps, and every luxury we'd been lacking!!! It was so the perfect way to end it!!

And here I set on the morning I should be packing - still dirty and gross and cranky - showered, blogging, and laying on my couch next to my kids getting their tv fix! A good decision was made :)

Day 4 vaca

Again a ridiculously hot day with the index at 105 so we being burnt and hot went to Michigan City to the outlet mall. Reeeeally not Adam or the kids cup of tea - got a few good deals though and us girls enjoyed it (note to remember for next time - a girls day). Then we headed to bass pro outdoor world which everyone enjoyed! We invaded their recliners, climbed their chairs, atvs, cots, and tents. I even let the kids throw a penny in a waterfall to who which I found out drained into a fish tank - Woops! It was a great way to beat the heat! Once the sun set a bit we hit the pool! Fireworks were at the campsite that night and everyone headed that way except Em and I. That girl loves her bedtime regardless where we are!