Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy Birthday babe

When I was just a girl I played house, cooking, and pretend grocery shopping - imagining the perfect life. In reality I sometimes come home to a tornado of a mess, you can cook 100x better than me, and shopping trips or ::trips in public:: in general typically can end up in a screaming train wreck.

...Yes I have to scratch your back (with a fork because I hate getting skin under my nails), pick up the laundry you strip out of and throw inches from the hamper, and occasionally {everyday} shut off the closet lights ((because?? I still haven't figured why it's Against your will to do so))


All I'm trying to say in an enduring way is I love all of it. I love it because while you're always keeping me guessing, I still know what's coming. I love your predictability with a twist. I love your annoyingness and lack of romanticism 98% of the time. Know why??

Because you're real. I respect you on so many levels. You're free, you're a darn hard worker, because you're funny and charismatic. Your a fantastic father. You're a beautiful soul.

This is nothing like I envisioned it and I thank gosh got that. Because THIS is our life that we've built. Because you are mine. Life is full of finding out the hard way, learning, being pleasantly surprised with, and above all enjoying.

Thank you for keeping it real all the time. You are only getting better with age - there's something about you that's so different and special - I hope you never loose sight of that - it's something I admire about you very much.

- thank you for being you!

Happy 28th babe. I love you more than you'll EVER know!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Pillow talk

Adam: babe scratch my back.

Amber: no you scratch my back - I had a hard day at work and it was so freezing in there I had to wear two sweaters.

Adam: ::insert half laugh of disbelief::

{ps - it was 130+ degrees in the factory he works in today}

Oops....even in joking prolly not cool! LOL

{{pps I scratched his back like the good wifey I am!}} ;)

New ride

What kid would insist {our throw a tantrum} to NOT get a new bicycle? ohhhh that one that had her eyes on bigger better things. With a failed persuasion into a cute lil mini copper car our half Tom Boy girlie girl chose a dune racer lovingly known as the green machine! This is in our future in about 13 years - these three peas in a pod cruising around town!

Ems first hair cut

Emmersyn most definitely lives to be pampered. She had her first haircut and sat so still and calm she almost fell asleep. Got a couple inches off - it looks much fuller and less stringy! Beautiful girl! Oh and she didn't have to be bribed with a sucker like her bro - although it was a pretty good bonus!!

The bestest 3rd birthday Eva

I kind of Hafta toot our own horn for a minute because we can throw a mean party (out guests words not ours) - ((okay ours too)) ;). Emmersyns third birthday party was fantastic, only to be made awesomer by our guest whom know how to have a great time. Walking tacos, rainbow cake (homemade - ill become domesticated if it kills me), water balloon fight, water balloon launcher, slip and slide, and one spoiled birthday girl! The icing on the {rainbow} cake was Emmersyn telling us all no less than a dozen times 'I happy!' :). Onto planning the next great bash!

For the Grandmas

So the Grandmas keep up with the blog and enjoy the pics of the kids. I have lots of posts to catch up on but here's a pic fix so they can stop going through withdrawals ;)

Cowboy Wyatter(p) and Emme snuggling her puppy. AND last but not least my view upon entering the truck yesterday. Evidentially when the kids were 'getting something out of the truck' what they really meant was they found a year old McDonald's cookie somewhere in said truck and shoved into the tape player. Pshh why didn't I think of that?

New blog.

Hey everyone! Just getting the new blog up and running! Blogger and I had an argument (not really) but there's only space for 1000 photos which over the last few years I've finally exceeded. So I simply cannot blog without photos and that lands us here.

Here's our old link to find out what we're all about:

You can also click on view my profile to link to the other blog.

And our new link:

We have a common last name but we are FAR from common - we'll keep you entertained!!