Thursday, August 30, 2012

Family time

Unfortunate circumstances of Aunt Sue passing brought is together, but lots of great memories were made and quality time spent.

Dad Brown made it home and we were so happy to have him. He had the privledge of sleeping in Emmersyn's very pink girlie bed, only to be scolded when he didn't make it. She busted in the room and yelled 'mom!!! Papa John messed up my bed!!! That's NOT nice!!'. I about died from her seriousness! She literally couldn't wait til he came back to DRAG his butt in there, show him, and demand he make it. The blow was softened by change falling from his pocket in the night. So she got some $$ out of the ordeal. She mulled it over an stated that she was not sleeping in there but that he couldn't either. In the end, she obliged and was a good little hostess. I love the bond between him and the kids!

Now hopefully back to normalcy - something that I feel like a broken record saying - somehow stuff keeps popping up! I guess craziness IS normal for us - that's the Browns for ya!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Preschool (ers)

Today I became a mom of TWO preschoolers! Nervous excitement all around turned into proud moments for me as a mom! Both kids did great. Emmersyn said she 'lobed' school, while Wyatt said it was 'fantastic'! I don't think it could've been better. 1/4 tank of gas and 5 trips to and fro work was 100% worth it to drop the kids off and wish them well and to pick them up as excited as could be!

Time can slow down now as they both seemed 10x bigger today. I suddenly realized how much taller Wyatt had grown and it seemed like Emmersyns speech was clearer and vocabulary grew by 60 words!

I love that preschool and the teachers but above all love my little students! Mama is so proud of you Wy & Em!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Circle of Life

The circle of life always amazes me.

A wonderful lady went to heaven last night, Adams Aunt Sue. We unfortunately didn't see her too often in recent years but when we did it was always a pleasure. I'm praying for her family - she was a loving mother, grandmother, sister, and Aunt of many. This is going to be a tough time for them undoubtably.

I just received a text from my mom saying that my cousin and his wife will be welcoming their second child in April. Although its opposite sides of the family, it always seems when one life is lost a other is made. Hoping for peace on our Brown side and safe travels to those who'll be coming home, like Adams dad. And joy for those who are celebrating a new beginning.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Happy 13th birthday Brookie!

Dear Brooke,

It's hard to believe we just spent the evening celebrating the beginning of your teenage years! In part because I still want to see you as the little 9 month old girl I first met, time has gone too fast. ...and in part because you've acted like a teen since age 3! :)

You're our favorite fiery red head, boy crazy, blunt, always good for a laugh girl.

I have so many wonderful, touching, and hilarious memories of you. When you were a baby and young girl, uncle Adam and I would rather hang out with you than do normal high school stuff. We'd rather sing Richard Scareys alphabet song and watch you bash your poor moms face in with a wind up radio toy than go to a football game. ((speaking of football - you'll never remember how terrified you were of your uncle dressed as a woman for powder puff, but I'll never forget)). Lol. We'd come home early from a dance to watch 14 episodes of Blues Clues with you! You taught us a lot about children and helped form our parenting skills from a young age.

As we grew older and got busier getting married ((to which you were an adorable flower girl)) to start our family we see you less than we'd like. Our relationship and memories not forgotten, only replaced with hopes and dreams of you turning into the wonderful girl you are today! I enjoy our recent heart to hearts and I hope you know you can always come to us for anything.

Finally, I wish you nothing but happiness and fun in your teen years! Keep sweet and true to yourself. I know you'll go far in life, theres something very special about you! But one last thing, cool it on the boys and wanting to grow up so fast business already would ya? Uncle Adam is gonna have to crack down on the boys department. ;).

I have nothing but love in my heart for you. It's a joy to be your Aunt. Thank you for all the good times, happy 13th sweetheart!


He's gonna be a soccer player, yes he is!

Proud mama moment watching my boy today! I couldn't peel my eyes from the field if I wanted to!

Things moms say

Em: look at me mom!

Me: Emmersyn, that's gross, we don't put lunch meat on our faces, please don't do that again....but let me take a picture.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Know what's fun?

Catching poo samples. Yep, that's what I'm up to the next couple of days. I was wrong-o about the flu bug being gone. Not only has Wyatt still been nauseous since Saturday but while taking him to the doctor Adam got hit hard with the bug worse than all of us combined! Wyatt had a bit of blood in his stool this morning so accompanied with the queasiness they want to make sure he doesn't have a parasite!? Holy heck the thought of that scares me! I hope my boys feel better soon! This business is plum exhausting!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


We have had some fun amongst our down time! We got to spend the day with our friends at a local nature center while i took photos for them and then a cook out at their house in the country (which makes me want a house in the country even more than before!). Wyatt learned to shoot a pellet gun and Emmersyn loved her ride on the 4 wheeler!!

Oh and the kids got bunk beds, put together by me with some help of Munga - sans instructions!! Proud moment!

Looking forward to feeling better and getting back into the swing of things soon! We better - prek starts in 2 weeks from today and I have TWO Enrollees this year! :)

Sickly and hurt

Common sights at our house lately...sickly and hurt. Wyatt, Emmersyn, and I (and no less than 15 others from the sitters and work) have passed the flu bug around. And to top it off Miss Em bashed her mouth while playin on the couch. :(. We've had a rough go of it lately. Luckily the flu bug has hopefully flown away and a trip to the dentist with an antibiotic has Emmersyn all fixed up! Pshew - hopefully we got it all out of the way just in time for school!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Baseball game!

Thanks to my dads work we were able to attend our local minor leagues game tonight, accompanied by fireworks! We had all the works including a ballpark food spread, cotton candy, popcorn, and peanuts! An all American night! We missed Adam as he had to work but had a good time!